We look forward to the day when our sanctuary is comfortable and attractive again. It has served us well, but it is aging, and it's time to make it shine!

We've got a rough idea for what we want our sanctuary to look like, and we've reached out for some bids from window and carpet companies. We also thought we had a line on some great portable pews, but unfortunately that company just went out of business. Keep praying that the design team is able to finish their preliminary plans, and that God provides the funding to make our renovation a reality!
March 2020 Update: The renovation is well under way, and we plan on re-opening on Easter Sunday! The walls are painted, the platform rebuilt, and carpeting will be installed this week (March 24-26). Our new chairs are being built and should be shipped our way soon. A few small details are being finalized (including some lighting and sound issues), but we're excited about the way it's coming together!
We're still needing some donations to cover the cost of all this work, so if you're so inclined, click on the "donate" button on this website and designate your gift to the renovation fund.
Please join us on Easter Sunday, April 4 as we return to our beloved sanctuary and enjoy the gift that it is to us!
Summer update:
We moved back into our newly-remodeled sanctuary on Easter morning! We're excited to be able to worship in a beautiful, comfortable space, and we can't wait to share it with our community! We give God thanks for providing all we needed to complete this project. Here's a video that documents the process: https://youtu.be/31bHUyASpLY